Student Services
At Your Service…
Our job, as a student services team, is to help each student navigate her/his time in high school and plan for an initial post-secondary destination once s/he leaves us. This includes academic, post-secondary, and personal counselling, as well as linking students and families to outside supports available in our community when helpful. We adopt a team centered approach that is rooted in the partnership between home, school, church, and the community. Our work is centered around a holistic view of each student being created in the image of God.
Members of our team work with students individually, in small groups, in a class room setting and in large group settings.
Upon entering our student services area, you are most likely to encounter Mrs. Connolly (ext 3124) or Mrs. Patterson (ext 3121). They both have a wealth of knowledge, help to keep our office running as smoothly as possible, and always have a kind and warm smile to greet you.
We have three guidance counsellors in our department.
Mr. Selbie (x3143) assists students with last names A – G.
Mr. Corsaut (x3145) assists students with last names H – M.
Ms. Mahood (x3144) assists students with last names N – Z.
Our team works with classroom teachers, educational assistants, the administrative team, the student success team, the special education resource team, and outside partners in order to serve students in the best way we can. Please contact us at any time.

You can reach us at 519-271-0890. Our extensions are listed above.
Follow the St. Michael CSS facebook page. We post things there also!
Follow the St. Michael twitter feed (@StMIkesCSS). We post things there also!
Go “old school” and pop in and speak with us face-to-face. We’d love to see you.