School Departments
Academic Departments
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The Arts at St. Michael
The Arts at St. Michael
The Arts |
Ms. T. Robinson – Department Head |
Courses in the Arts
The Arts department offers courses in drama, musical theatre, visual arts, media arts, instrumental music, and guitar. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Business Studies & Co-operative Education at St. Michael
Business Studies & Co-operative Education at St. Michael
Business Studies & Co-operative Education |
Mr. B. Drennan – Department Head
Welcome to the Business/Co-op department…Welcome to the Business & Co-op Department at St. Michael! We have courses in all aspects of business from grade 9 to 12 – all levels of study are available! Co-op is a big part of St. Michael – over 150 students are enrolled for this school year. Co-op placements are available in almost every career imaginable. This semester, many students are out in apprenticeships, professional fields as well as schools and local businesses. St. Michael is blessed to have such wonderful students who are great Ambassadors for our school in the local community! |
Courses in Business Studies
The Business Studies department offers courses in introductory business, accounting, entrepreneurship, business leadership, marketing, law, and economics. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Business Studies Curriculum
Business activity affects the daily lives of all Canadians as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. It influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise.
Business has a significant effect on the standard of living and quality of life of Canadians, and on the environment
in which they live and which future generations will inherit. Eventually, all students will encounter the world of business, whether they work in urban or rural areas. They must be prepared to engage in business activity with confidence and competence.
Young people need to understand how business functions, the role it plays in our society, the opportunities it generates, the skills it requires, and the impact it can have on their own lives and on society, today
and in the future.
Grade 11 & 12![]() |
Co-operative Education Curriculum
Canadian & World Studies / Social Science at St. Michael
Canadian & World Studies / Social Science at St. Michael
Ms. M. Braca – Department Head
Welcome to the CWS / SS department… Welcome to the Canadian & World Studies / Social Sciences department at St. Michael C.S.S. The department offers a variety of courses in geography, history, and humanities. Our faculty includes at least one full time teacher in each discipline with an honours degree and senior qualifications in their subject. These teachers have also acquired their subject specialist qualifications from the Ontario College of Teachers. Other faculty within the department teach the subjects on a part time basis with most having a minor in the subject they are teaching.
The department also promotes the Environmental High Skills Major and History Advanced Placement programs at St. Michael.
Students within the Environmental HSM are given a variety of experiences that develop the essential skills needed for the workplace or postsecondary study. Seven sector-recognized certifications or training programs are offered, as well as experiential learning and career exploration activities.
The History Advanced Placement courses provide students with exceptional preparation for university level study while still in high school and in many cases, increases the likelihood of university acceptance. Students who choose to write the grade 12 AP exam and score high enough will be granted a certificate by the College Board which many universities will recognize as the equivalent of either ½ or 1 full university credit.
If you have any questions about the Canadian & World Studies / Social Sciences department or course offerings at St. Michael please email |
News Flash!Students from Mr. Corsaut’s grade 12 environmental geography class participated in a Avon River watershed report card program on May 24th. Students completed field studies, invertebrate counts, and water quality analysis. |
Courses in Canadian & World Studies and Social Science
The Canadian & World Studies department offers courses in civics, history, geography, law, and economics. The social science department offers courses in foods, parenting, living spaces, and fashion. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Canadian & World Studies Curriculum
The social studies, history, geography, and Canadian and world studies programs will enable students to become responsible, active citizens within the diverse communities to which they belong.
As well as becoming critically thoughtful and informed citizens who value an inclusive society, students will have the skills they need to solve problems and communicate ideas and decisions about significant developments, events, and issues.
Grade 11 & 12![]() |
Social Science Curriculum
English at St. Michael
English at St. Michael
English |
Ms. J. Atchison – Department Head
Welcome to the English department…Studying literature allows us to enter another time and place, challenging us to journey through possible models of human experience. It provokes us to reflect upon and discuss things which, for better or for worse, are at the heart of our humanity: love, family, hope, triumph, fear, prejudice, loss. Literature challenges our convictions and inspires us to examine the world from other perspectives. Writing about literature engages students to undertake high levels of critical thinking as they form clear and well-supported opinions to be shared with an audience. The abilities to read and write effectively are tools that will help students thrive in any setting. Literacy is an absolute necessity to navigate one’s way through the world. Remembering that Christ is the greatest of teachers, English classes at St. Michael examine literature through the light of the Gospels. |
In the News! |
Courses in English
The English department offers courses in compulsory English (including the Ontario Secondary School Literacy course), but also Canadian literature, writer’s craft, studies in literature, and presentation and speaking skills. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
The English curriculum is based on the belief that language learning is critical to responsible and productive citizenship, and that all students can become successful language learners.
The curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to achieve this goal. It aims to help students become successful language learners.
Successful language learners:
Grade 11 & 12
French as a Second Language
French as a Second Language (Core & Immersion) at St. Michael
French & French Immersion | Ms. L. Coughlin – Department Head |
Welcome to the French department…Bienvenue! Içi on parle français. The French Department endeavors to promote an appreciation of the French language and culture in Canada and around the world while also supporting the development of the whole learner. In a bilingual country the knowledge the French language has many benefits for learning, career, and travel opportunities. By using authentic communication tasks, students learn to communicate for various purposes to a variety of audiences. |
News Flash! |
Courses in French as a Second Language
We offer courses in core French and French Immersion. A minimum of one credit in French is required for graduation from an Ontario secondary school.
In French Immersion, students study 4 language courses (FIF – one per grade) and 6 other courses in French, which include Grade 9 religion and geography, Grade 10 history and religion, Grade 11 religion, and Grade 12 religion. To learn more about the courses offered and the core and immersion programs, check out our course calendar.
Mathematics & Computer Studies at St. Michael
Mathematics & Computer Studies at St. Michael
Mr. B. Kocher – Department Head
Welcome to the Math & Computer Studies department…Our Math Department is made up of two disciplines – Mathematics and Computer Science. As a group of teachers, our greatest asset is our experience. Our least experienced member began teaching in 1998. We have all worked together closely to develop a challenging, thorough and fair program. Our primary goal is to create a platform that allows our students to succeed and be fully prepared for the next step (next grade, world of work, apprenticeship, college or university). Along that path, we challenge and help our students to develop academic, personal, and social skills through a Christ-centered learning environment. Entering and throughout the Grade 9 year, many questions arise around the dilemma of taking Academic or Applied courses, the EQAO test, and our exam schedule here at St. Michael CSS. While the decision of which course to take is highly dependent on the individual, the understanding of concepts related to integers, fractions, percent, number sense and algebra is usually the determining factor that result in greatest success in grade 9. The EQAO is a two-day provincial standardized test that is written near the end of the semester that a student takes grade 9 math. The Academic test is different than the Applied test. We also have the grade 9’s write a summative ISP during the exam time slot at the very end of the term. Here at St. Mike’s, we write our grade 9 Exam a month before the end of the semester (exam doesn’t include measurement) to spread out the exam, EQAO and ISP – each worth 10% of the final grade. Once grade 9 is successfully completed, decisions are made based on the standards reached every step of the way. We have computer science (programming) courses, all levels of grade 11 and 12 math courses and Calculus AP to select from. We offer Locally developed, Workplace Math, Applied, Academic, Mixed, College Apprenticeship, College Tech, and University bound courses. All of our teachers are fully vested in the student success and spend many extra hours working with students in terms of understanding the material covered. We use various forms of technology and resources to accomplish that. Above and beyond the regular classes, we also offer Computer Science and Mathematics Contests to further challenge the top students from grades 7 to 12. The St. Mike’s Math department hosts the Grade 7 & 8 Gauss Math Contest Day for our feeder schools. We also encourage and facilitate the grade 9-12 contests (Canadian Computing, Pascal, Cayley, Fermat, and Euclid from the University of Waterloo). Please let us know if you have any questions. We are passionate about math and helping students reach their potential in every way possible!! |
Courses in Mathematics
The mathematics department offers courses in compulsory math courses, as well as elective choices like Mathematics for College Technology, Data Management, and Calculus and Vectors. Students have the option of taking an Advanced Placement course in Calculus and Vectors, which prepares them to write a standarized exam. Successful completion of this exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 (depending on the university) may be recognized by universities as a first year university math credit. We also offer computer studies courses in grades 10, 11, and 12. To learn more about the courses offered and the advanced placement opportunity, check out our course calendar.
Mathematics Curriculum
Computer Studies Curriculum
Health & Physical Education at St. Michael
Health & Physical Education at St. Michael
Physical & Health Education |
Ms. T. Redman – Department Head
Welcome to the Health & Physical Education department…
Our program emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy living. Students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active lifelong living. Students also gain an understanding and appreciation of the facts and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected and how it affects the world around them. A learning environment is created that allows students to develop cognitively, emotionally, socially, physically as well as mentally, and where students aim to achieve their full potential in school and in life. |
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Courses in Health & Physical Education
We offer a variety of courses in health & physical education. All physical education classes are grouped by gender in grades 9 and 10, and are co-educational in grades 11 and 12. Courses include health & physical education, personal fitness, health for life, and introduction to kinesiology. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Health & Physical Education Curriculum
Religious Education at St. Michael
Religious Education at St. Michael
Religious Education |
Mr. A. Damen – Department Head |
Welcome to the Religion department… We are committed to providing your child with not only excellence in academics, but a holistic approach to learning. We believe that students must begin with their roots in order to grow their wings, and in this endeavor, we understand that every child is created in the image and likeness of God. As Psalm 139:14 explains, “[you] are fearfully and wonderfully made;”.
Our curriculum, developed by the Ontario Bishops, focuses on different aspects of our Catholic faith as a source for contributing in the future to our Canadian society by sharing and living our Gospel values.
Our grade 9 program is offered at the open pathway and focuses on the origin and structure of the Bible, our covenantal relationship with God, and the teachings of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
Our grade 10 program is offered at the open pathway and focuses on the Gospels as a source for the historical Jesus, then highlights the values of our Catholic faith as a critique of contemporary societal values that are not life-giving.
Our grade 11 program is offered at both the university/college and open pathway to teach students the teachings, writing, and traditions of other faith traditions. This program highlights our Canadian religious pluralism as a defining feature of contemporary society, but also our respect for our neighbours as we live as disciples of Christ.
Our grade 12 program is offered at both the open and university/college pathway to teach students the clear identification of Catholic moral principles and the concrete application of these principles in the lives of students. Special attention is given to the interaction between church and culture.
Thank you for choosing St. Michael to educate your child, and they will learn to, ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Courses in Religious Education
Students take a course in religious education in each grade. The grade 11 course is a World Religion course. An option course in Peace and Conflict is offered in Grade 12, in addition to the required course. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Religious Studies Curriculum
Science at St. Michael
Science at St. Michael
Mr. S. DeLuca – Department Head
Welcome to the Science department…Everywhere you look in the world today, Science plays an important role. From our agricultural sciences that ensure a safe, prosperous food supply to biomedical sciences which maintain a high life expectancy, to physical & mechanical sciences which tackle the major issues of energy & transportation, it has become important that everyone is not only comfortable but adept in Science. According to the Global Student Network, there are four main reasons why you should pursue Science courses: * Science fosters thinking skills required for the 21st century learner * Science feeds the natural love for learning * Science opens doors to many disciplines (and not just math !) * Science prepares for the future At St. Michael, these reasons permeate throughout our entire program, regardless if your pathway follows the academic, applied or essentials route. After sampling topics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Earth Science in grades 9 & 10, you have of opportunity to branch out to dive deeper into one (or more) specific courses in Biology, Chemistry & Physics in our Senior program. Beyond these “traditional” disciplines, you have the opportunity to study Earth & Space Science through an online “elearning” format, study Biology at both the PreAP & the Advanced Placement Level (for those moving on to University level Biology) and focus specifically on Health & Wellness in our 4M Science course (which ties directly into the Health & Wellness SHSM). We are fortunate to be a “full time” department, where teachers are completely focused on Science. This allows for easy communication & collaboration between Science teachers. The benefit to you is well developed, well tested program that will allow a smooth, seamless transition from junior science to senior science courses. Our underlying department goal focuses on a student inquiry approach to Science. Regardless of the science course, you will have the opportunity to develop & enhance your problem solving skills in both a collaborative & individual environment. If you have any questions regarding a science course or pathway, please feel free to (directly) contact Steve DeLuca, Department Head of Science at |
Courses in Science
We offer courses in compulsory science, biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, and science in health related fields. An advanced placement opportunity exists in biology. A student can take the advanced placement course, which prepares them to write a standardized exam. Successful completion of this exam with achievement level of 3, 4, or 5 (depending on the university) may earn the student a first year biology credit in university. To learn more about the courses offered and the advanced placement opportunity, check out our course calendar.
Science Curriculum
Special Education at St. Michael
Special Education at St. Michael
Special Education |
Ms. H. Clark – Department Head |
Welcome to the Special Education department… St. Michael Catholic Secondary School is a fully inclusive school where every student has the opportunity to receive a caring, effective and inclusive education. It is our belief that student needs can best be met within the context of the regular classroom. Individual programming is developed to address each student’s individual learning needs as identified through the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC), or as documented in the goals of their IEP. The objective of the Special Education Resource Department is to assist teachers in the regular classroom setting through strategic planning to support the needs of diverse student learners. For some students, this involves training in the use of technology to assist in accessing the curriculum and to help students demonstrate their learning. Other students, whose needs differ from those covered in the regular secondary curriculum, may require the provision of alternative learning activities within the context of the classroom program. All students, regardless of intellectual and/or physical ability, are enrolled in regular secondary courses and participate in school community activities such as assemblies, announcements, clubs, teams and excursions to the degree of independence possible. It is incumbent on teachers, administrative staff, support personnel, parents and students to facilitate, support, and enhance the participation of all students, in all aspects of the school community. Individual Education Plans (IEP)Special Education Resource Teachers act as case managers for student IEPs and coordinate student accommodations for implementation with classroom teachers. Classroom teachers are sometimes assisted by Educational Assistants. In accordance with Ministry of Education regulations, updated student IEPs are sent home within 30 school days of the first school day of each semester. Parents are invited to discuss student IEPs at parent/teacher conferences or contact the school to make alternative arrangements if necessary. Parent input and comments are documented in the Parent/Student Consultation section of the IEP which is returned to the school. Graduating students are reminded to keep a copy of their IEP for post-secondary purposes. Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)Identification, Placement and Review Committee meetings (IPRCs) are offered once a year in accordance with Ministry of Education regulations. Students may be identified with an intellectual exceptionality (including gifted), a learning disability, physical disability, a behavior exceptionality, or multiple exceptionalities. The decision of the IPRC members is based on the provision of professional documentation from a doctor, psychologist, or other professional service provider. All students who have been identified as an exceptional student by means of an IPRC meeting must be provided with an opportunity to review the IPRC decision annually. Parents have the option of waiving the annual IPRC meeting for their child if they are happy with their child’s placement in the regular school program and they do not have any new assessment documentation to suggest that a change in identification should be considered. |
Technological Education at St. Michael
Technological Education at St. Michael
Mrs. K. vonEuw – Department Head
Welcome to the Technology department… |
Courses in Technological Education
We offer many different disciplines in technological education. Students can study courses in construction, electrical techniques, plumbing and sheet metal, manufacturing, communications, design, transportation, and hairstyling and aesthetics. In most disciplines, students can select a greater immersion into a certain field by choosing a two credit package in Grades 11 and/or 12. To learn more about the courses offered, check out our course calendar.
Technological Education Curriculum
Non-subject based Departments
Department | Department Members |
Student Services and Specialist High Skills
Mr. J. Selbie
Mr. J. Corsaut Ms. T. Mahood Ms. L. Coughlin
Student Success | Mr. T. Devereaux |
Choices | Ms. S. Dunn Van Bakel |
Library and Literacy | Ms. J. Laurin |
| |
Student Success
The student success teams are for students who are struggling, who need extra attention to help them graduate, or who are looking for new challenges in high school.
With a student success team, students have the opportunity to:
- benefit from individualized attention and support;
- choose from more options for learning, such as expanded co-operative education, Specialist High Skills Majors, dual credits, and e-learning;
- seek help in solving problems they previously may have faced alone.
Our school operates an alternative education setting called Choices. This alternative classroom provides students with a different learning environment when a traditional classroom is not resulting in success. Placement in this program is through consultation with the Student Success Team.