Finance and Scholarships
2018/2019 Graduate Scholarship Application
The 2018/2019 scholarship application will be open in May, 2019.
You may complete this application if you are in the graduating class OR if you are a year 5 student. Please be aware that some awards are specified for a member of the graduating class and/or a student who is pursuing post secondary studies immediately following their departure from secondary school.
This application requires you to log in to google with your account. You will receive a notification when it has successfully been submitted.
Deadline for application is Friday, May 24, 2019.
While in high school…
If you are in need of financial assistance while you are in high school, please speak to a member of our school team. This could include an administrator, student success teacher, guidance counsellor, special education resource teacher (SERT), classroom teacher, or educational assistant.
Our St. Michael Share Shop might be of assistance.
We can also help you to apply to the St. Andre Bessette Trust Fund, established by our board, in certain situations.
Our student services team can also help direct you to food banks and community kitchens. We can also help provide assistance to those students who might need to apply for, and qualify for, Ontario Works.
Financing a post-secondary education…
Financing a post-secondary education is expensive! The financial burden of a post-secondary education will depend on a number of factors including: how much money you saved before your left high school, if you qualified for scholarships, if you worked while you were at your post-secondary destination, if you lived in residence, if you had a budget and plan, if you received money from an RESP or another source.

OSAP (Ontario student assistance program) provides grants and loans to students pursuring a post secondary education. Applications for the upcoming school year generally open in the early spring.
NEW FROM OSAP!! Your child may benefit from financial assistance for postsecondary education from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). As part of the most significant reform of student assistance in North America, the government of Ontario is removing the financial barriers to attending college or university.
If your family income is under $50,000, your child’s tuition is covered. Even if you earn more, the new OSAP is still there to help with generous grants that will make sending your child to college or university more affordable.
Check for more info, or see your guidance counsellor.
Scholarships and Bursaries
There are many scholarships and bursaries that are available to students pursuing a post secondary education.
- All graduating and fifth year students should apply to the graduation awards very generously sponsored by companies and members of our community. This application is available in early May and is submitted electronically. You will find the link to the application at the top of this page.
- All post secondary institutions have a financial aid page which will detail scholarships that are available and require an application.
- Check with your employer, your parents’ employer, or any group that you belong to. There might be a scholarship available there.
- Search scholarships requiring an application at either or (formerly
- Apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Even if you do not qualify for OSAP, you might be eligible for grants or other awards that are only available through this application.