Staff Directory

“It takes a village…”

We serve our students best when we work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.  

Phone 519-271-0890​

Staff Member
Aitken, HelenOffice Assistant - Guidance
Atchison, JenniferDept Head - English
Bell, CarolynPrincipal
Braca, MarianneDept Head - Social Sciences
Clark, HeidiDept Head - Special Education
Corsaut, JohnGuidance (Alpha H-P)
DeJong, LisaSpecial Education
DeLuca, SteveDept Head - Science
Denys, MelanieOffice Assistant - Guidance
Devereaux, TylerStudent Success
Drennan, BartDept Head - Business and Co-op
Dunn Van Bakel, SusanChoices
Hastings, KarenVice Principal
Kocher, BryanDept Head - Math
Kocher, LiseOffice Assistant - Main Office
Kuepfer, ChristyOffice Assistant - Attendance
Laurin, JenniferTeacher Librarian
Lopez, EddieSpecial Education
MacKay, NatalieChaplain
Mahood, TheresaGuidance (Alpha Q-Z)
Redman, TheresaDept Head - Physical Education
Reiche, HeikeOffice Assistant - Main Office
Robinson, TinaDept Head - Arts
Selbie, JohnDept Head - Guidance (Alpha A-G)
Stock-Bateman, AnneDept Head - French
vonEuw, KathleenDept Head - Technology
Warren Vrbanac, TaraDept Head - Religion